NZ Darknet Market Forums

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#1 Re: Vendor updates » FarmerJohn Updates Thread » 2024-07-03 18:50

Would suggest that maybe not all of the results that were received back were actually conceded or communicated as some listings did not change to reflect the substance that was identified instead. Theres been a lot of misrepresented novel benzos in NZ lately. In theory customers getting their purchases checked and reporting back should work but if those testimonies are going through the vendor...

#2 Re: General discussion » Cocaine in New Zealand » 2024-06-21 18:40

Generally cocaine in nz has become much cheaper and much much higher quality ie much less frequently adulterated since things changed last year

Still worth getting it checked as adulteration can happen at any stage along the way and you want to know if your coke could have been cut with lidocaine benzocaine or levamisole in particular

Not to say that any current market vendors are cutting their coke - im not aware of any intel or results suggesting that. Post up here if you find otherwise as it helps keep us all safe.

#3 Re: General discussion » Oral syringe for dosing » 2024-06-18 16:10 outlets across the country the equipment is free over the counter

Or you can order online or buy stuff for the vending machines at outlets

#4 Re: General discussion » Benzo prices are insane » 2024-06-18 16:10

Just a slight correction that drug checking will put it on the spec for you to look to see the right excipients are there at least, but yes would expect 2mg of anything psychoactive in a pressed pill to fall well below limit of detection for the spectro
Benzo test strip isn't very useful for it as they result the same for alpraz and eg bromaz and reagents can't reliably or confidently discriminate between the two either
If youre worried about a pill you could ask the drug checkers to send it to the lab to confirm its not something gnarly and get the result posted confidentially

Real alpraz bars are out there but yeah can be difficult to determine if youve actually ended up with the desired benzo
Recommend a combo of send it to the lab plus ask the spec operator to compare the fillers to see if it looks convincingly either pharma or illicit

#5 Re: Product reviews » SerotoninInc Indian Pharma Ketamine S+ » 2024-06-07 18:30

Definitely recommend getting ketamine checked on a spectrometer at the moment especially

See notification for 2F-2-oxo-PCE here

#6 Re: Vendor updates » We have listed our new 250mg Ecstasy (XTC) MDMA pills on Arch » 2024-06-04 09:40

Is there anything distinctive pressed into them to indicate the high dose eg the number 280

Keen to accurately identify these as definitely not everyone wants to take that high a dose especially unknowingly and the spectrometer does not accurately estimate mixture proportions

#7 Re: Product reviews » NZPharma - Dutch Speed Paste review » 2024-05-31 18:30

Drug checker here
No way to speak to individual samples or clients as that sort of info isnt available and i dont claim to have seen any of these but heres what i can say

Extra1s description of having attended drug checking sounds consistent with the process and results they are likely to have received
Hats off to extra1 and folks in general for getting their stuff checked and reporting back its currently the only way for us to help each other stay safer and ensure people know about scams
Spectrometer and reagents are incredibly more reliable than the nosetrometer in almost all cases
Stuff off the darknet comes through clinics with so much cut that it fundamentally changes the identity of the drug all the time speed benzos and heroin especially

For amphetamine samples in general its pretty shit out there
Very few samples come back as consistent with only containing the drug without caffeine and its usually the case that theres so much filler material that the spec cant pick it up only reagents will
A good checker will be able to clarify if there is either a trace or no detectable amphetamine

No comment on whether NZPharmas stuff is legit or not i have no way of knowing
But nothing about extra1s comments here indicate to me that they are misrepresenting their results for the samples checked

#8 Re: General discussion » Potent opioid detected in fake diazepam tablet » 2024-05-06 20:00

Detected again in a round blue pill represented / sold as bromazolam.

Nitazene test strips are now available for free from the NZ drug foundation website, they will post to you safely and confidentially

#9 General discussion » Claims a listing represents a sample that has been drug checked » 2024-04-21 12:40

Replies: 1

Noticed today an Archetyp vendor has a listing claiming to have been checked by Know Your Stuff NZ

How you can tell its funky

That sample ID isnt on The Level drug checking results page so theres no way to verify it
The sample ID isnt a KYSNZ sample ID. Doesn't match their format so probably wasnt one of their results
Drug checking providers don't have equipment that can measure purity. Theres no way someone got a 92 percent pure result, the machines cant tell that

Drug checkings a damn good idea for both vendors and buyers to access! But mis representing checking results can damage the safety of that service for everyone

Stay safe out there folks

#10 General discussion » Potent opioid detected in fake diazepam tablet » 2024-04-19 16:10

Replies: 1

Notification here:

Free naloxone available from needle exchange outlets, some drug checkers have nitazene test strips

#11 Re: General discussion » NZs opioid using community » 2024-04-11 00:00

Xar777 wrote:

@cd11ccd103 great to know about the naloxone, I wasn't aware this was a thing you could get for free.

Yeah it's been hard to get until recently, the ampoules are now fully funded and available for free from any NZ needle exchange with the rigs and training to administer it. Nasal sprays are harder to come by as they aren't funded, but some drug checking clinics will be able to set you up with some for free if you're taking opioids or have loved ones who do.

#12 Re: General discussion » NZs opioid using community » 2024-04-04 23:30

And if you're taking any opioids (especially nitazepynes), pls go see the needle exchange and get naloxone IM kit and/or nasal spray (available at the big drug checking sites)

#13 Re: General discussion » NZs opioid using community » 2024-04-04 23:20

Opioids were only ~2% of samples checked by multiple providers in the last year. Bring in your stuff for checking so we can learn and compile more good peer-reviewed harm reduction advice! More information on safer dosing methods and dose ranges per route of administration for nitazenes needed especially.

Sending love to bohemonster

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